This is basically amateur study of birds. It involves the use of books, field guides, curiosity, and birds. I have always been somewhat of an optics person. So, binoculars, telescopes, and spotting scopes were already in my arsenal. What got me interested in birding.That's ironic. It all started when some birds were pecking on my house. I had a several year battle with these birds, and was never successful at ridding my house of them. I mistakenly thought that they were woodpeckers. However, my investigation into the true identity of the birds lead me to truth that these were White breasted nuthatches. Not true woodpeckers.
Nuthatches and chickadees are known to excavate in a similar fashion to woodpeckers, but only in much softer wood, or in my case, in the cheap Masonite siding on the house. True woodpeckers, Picidae, have the ability to excavate into much harder live wood.
Back to the pecking on the house. Sick of patching holes and fixing trim, I hung some rubber snakes up. that has worked for a couple years, but the nuthatches are back. ??????????????
A juvenile Red Headed Woodpecker, melanerpes erythrocephalus, he still has some speckles on his back and his head is slightly brown.
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